Elite Coaching | Strength Training | Nutritional Coaching

Q&A: Do you count your macros?

Question: Marek, do you count your macros? Answer: HECK NO. All that I need to gauge is how well I perform, feel, and especially look in the mirror. Why would I want to waste my time counting calories? That’s just an eating disorder waiting to happen. When you’re intune with your body and mind, no…

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Q&A: Precontest and supplementation

Question: When do you personally stop consuming whey protein/preworkouts/etc. when getting ready for a show? Answer: I usually stop all powder supplementation 2 weeks out from a contest. At that point, I stick only to my nutritional vitamin supplements only, along with whole foods for my daily calorie intake. I find that removal of whey…

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Q&A: Should I take Steriods?

Question: People have told me to take steroids, and many other drugs to start getting the body I want. I have only been lifting a short time, and I am already growing impatient. What are your thoughts on this? Answer: Man, I get this one more often these days then I thought I’d ever would,…

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Q&A: How are you hungry in Offseason?

Question: Marek, with all the food you’re now currently eating, how in the hell do you stay hungry? How is that even possible? Thanx Answer: Who says I’m hungry? In the off-season I am rarely hungry, unless it’s on a day where I missed a meal or two, and then I get hungry as shit…

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TOP 10 Offseason and Pre-contest Rules

Please Note: These are only MY opinions, and I am not the know-it-all when it comes to this sport. These are just thoughts and opinions I am stating, that have helped me get to where I am. 10 Rules in the Offseason —————————————– 1. Don’t listen to the idiot that gives you the advise to…

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Fruits, No Need to Avoid

Eat your fruit people. 1-3 servings each day. Fruits are packed with vitamins, minerals and lots of fiber…plus they taste damn good. Women especially, should not avoid fruits. Pineapple, bananas, apples, strawberries, blackberries, raspberries, blueberries, watermelon, all should NOT be avoided. Nature provided these foods, and therefore they contain some of natures BEST qualities and…

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Q&A: ‘My Appetite Has Been Completely Gone Lately!’

Question: My appetite has been completely gone lately! Ugh! This is not good! I’m suppose to be growing but I can’t eat! 🙁 so frustrating :((( Answer: Give yourself a week off; no gym. Detox yourself a bit, increase veggies/fruits/fats, and decrease protein. It might spike your system renewed again after a week. Also, taking…

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Q&A: Cheat Meal, What Kind?

Question: Sup bud I was looking at some of the forums and I was looking up cheat meals and I saw that you said you would have a cheat meal once a week.. now I just recently started doing this and my thing is to have a cheat meal once a week after leg day…

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Q&A: Intermittent Fasting (IF)

Question: Hey Marek, what’s your take on intermittent fasting? I guess I’m at a crossroads deciding where I want to take my body. My problem lately is that I have a good 15-20lbs of fat to take off but I’m so obsessed with lifting heavy and going for size gains. That’s why I thought maybe…

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Homemade Protein Pancakes

Homemade protein pancakes today:) i know there is a bajillion different recipes out there for these, but here’s what I do: • 3/4cup raw oats • 5 egg whites • 2 scoops of whey (Allmax Isoflex vanilla was used in this case) • 1 medium banana • 1tbsn cinnamon Version for females: • 1/3cup raw…

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