Elite Coaching | Strength Training | Nutritional Coaching

Highly Branched Cyclin Dextrin (HBCD) SIMPLIFIED

The new super carb these days in the supplement market is Highly Branched Cyclin Dextrin (HBCD). So many people try to over think it’s usage, but I’m going to break it down SIMPLY for you all, so that you can get the idea of its purpose easier. The main purpose for HBCB is to drive…

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Well, here is a topic that is very out of the realm for the vast majority of bodybuilders, competitors and/or daily lifters. First of all, if you are beginner in the performance enhancing supplementation aspect of the sport (or any for that matter), STAY AWAY FROM INSULIN! If you don’t know how to use it correctly…

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Aching Knee Fix – Elite FTS® Arctic Sports Balm

I usually don’t like to spout about a product or give a review, but I feel this is one item I need to disclose to everyone, and the experience I have with it. Ever since I started to take my leg training up a new good notches the last couple of years, I can tell…

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Currently I am beta testing my own blended intra-training product, beta-named INTRA-MVPUMP. The product is currently designed for clients/athletes that require a clean and effective carbohydrate supplement while the either are competing in athletic events or training hard in the weight room. The test batch is from True Nutrition, and if this goes well, I…

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Perspective 101: STEROIDS. How bad are they really for you?

Perspective Knowledge 101 for the day, the topic….STEROIDS, are they bad for you? 6x Mr.Olympia IFBB Pro Bodybuilder Dorian Yates took many different steroids, hgh, insulin, etc over the course of 12-14 years at WAY higher dosages then recommended for regular individuals. With regular doctor visits and blood work, they never found anything that would…

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This is been a topic on the rise lately, and I thought it was time for me to share my personal opinion and thoughts on it…. INTRA-WORKOUT Nutrition What is it? Well, intra-workout nutrition is simple. It’s having proteins, carbs, amino acids during your training sessions. Basic enough ya? But Why? Well there are numerous…

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Q&A: Precontest and supplementation

Question: When do you personally stop consuming whey protein/preworkouts/etc. when getting ready for a show? Answer: I usually stop all powder supplementation 2 weeks out from a contest. At that point, I stick only to my nutritional vitamin supplements only, along with whole foods for my daily calorie intake. I find that removal of whey…

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Q&A: Should I take Steriods?

Question: People have told me to take steroids, and many other drugs to start getting the body I want. I have only been lifting a short time, and I am already growing impatient. What are your thoughts on this? Answer: Man, I get this one more often these days then I thought I’d ever would,…

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“GET BIG and MASSIVE” pills/tabs = Bogus gains

Don’t believe all these “GET BIG and MASSIVE” pills/tabs alot of these supplement stores try to sell you. ALL BULLSHIT. If you want to get big and massive, you first need to get your nutrition in order, and a training routine to follow it by. Everything starts in the kitchen, not the supplement bottle. #realtalk…

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Pre/Post Nutrition & Natural HGH Production

Entry date: December 12, 2012 Lately I’ve been experiment with what George Farah (pro bodybuilder/prep coach to Kai Greene, Branch Warren, etc) mentioned at a recent seminar with Kai Greene. He said that post-workout is when the bodies natural HGH (human growth hormone) levels are at their highest, so consuming carbs right away will HALT…

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