Elite Coaching | Strength Training | Nutritional Coaching

Post-Contest Nutrition & Reverse Dieting – My Thoughts

My thoughts on post-contest nutrition and reverse dieting… Look, I’m all about competitors keeping in decent shape/condition after a contest and not putting insane amount of fat gains, but to a certain degree. I have been one of those guys that gained 40lbs after a contest within a week, and it isn’t fun for the…

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Shoulder/Traps + Mild Chest Workout – January 13, 2014

Warmup • Reverse-Seated Hammer Strength Shoulder Press 2×20 – Superset: Dumbbell Side Laterals 2×15 *go non-stop. No rest time. Pump all these reps out with lite warmup weight to get blood into the muscle. Working • Reverse-Seated Hammer Strength Shoulder Press (Front Delts) 4×8-12 – Superset: Dumbbell Side Laterals (All heads of the deltoid/Slight Traps)…

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This is been a topic on the rise lately, and I thought it was time for me to share my personal opinion and thoughts on it…. INTRA-WORKOUT Nutrition What is it? Well, intra-workout nutrition is simple. It’s having proteins, carbs, amino acids during your training sessions. Basic enough ya? But Why? Well there are numerous…

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Heavy Hamstring/Calves with Lite Quadriceps – January 7, 2014

Heavy hamstring/calves with lite Quadriceps – January 7, 2014 Warmup • Laying hamstring curls 2×15 Working • Laying hamstring curls 6×8-12 – Superset: Seated Leg extensions 4×12 • Dumbbell Stiff-legged Deadlifts 5×10 • Leg press (close-foot stance to work outer quad sweep) 5×15-20 – Superset: Calf Extensions (leg press) 5×20 (heavy weight; 6plates each side)…

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Quad workout – January 5th, 2014

Quad workout – January 5th, 2014 • Squats 6 set. 10-15 reps. (Sets 5 and 6 were with added Resistance bands. The weight kept increasing, and we made sure to do drop sets with these last to sets as well). • Sissy Squats 3 sets 10 reps • Hack Squats 5 sets 12-15 reps plus…

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TOM PLATZ’S QUAD WORKOUT 1. Squats: 8-10 sets of 5-20 reps* 2. Hack squats: 5 sets of 10-15 reps 3. Leg extensions: 5-8 sets of 10-15 reps 4. Lying leg curls: 6-10 sets of 10-15 reps *Squats were performed by Tom deep and strict and pyramided to more than 600 pounds. for those that have…

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