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Leg Training – December 24, 2015 #log #legday

• Seated Leg Extensions 4×10-15
Warmup (hold at the top of the rep for 2-3 seconds)

• Smith Machine Squats (I would have done barbell squats, but all the racks were taken, and I am not one to just sit around and wait. Plus smith machine, to me, is just as hard as it doesn’t allow me to cheat or use my back to press the weight back up. If you know how to use the Smith Machine properly, it can be just as effective as barbell squats)
-Set 1 135×15 (rest/pause at the bottom for 2-3 seconds)
-Set 2 135×15 (rest/pause at the bottom for 2-3 seconds)
-Set 3 225×12
-Set 4 275×10
-Set 5 315×10
-Set 6 365×7
-Set 7 315×10
+Superset: Standing Calf Raise Machine 7×15

• Leg Press
-Set 1 12 plates x 15
-Set 2 14 plates x 12
-Set 3 16 plates x 12 (started to feel pain in left quad, near knee insertion)
-Set 4 18 plates x 5 (shut the set down. pain started to get increasingly worst after 4th rep, and after the 5th I felt it wasn’t safe to continue the set). *Read here on this topic ofKnowing When to Shut. It. Down.

• Hack Squats (machine weight 150lbs) *all reps are full range of motion to the bottom. **also due to slight strain in my left quad, I kept weight light, and focused on ROM, Contraction and complete control.
-Set 1-4 240×10
+ Superset: Sissy Squats 4×10

Barbell Stiff Legged Deadlifts/Roman Deadlifts 4×10-12

Laying Hamstring Curls 4×10-12
+ Superset: Back Extensions w/35lb plate held at the chest 4×10 (7 reps done with plate, then 3 reps without)

Trainer Marek • December 29, 2015

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