Elite Coaching | Strength Training | Nutritional Coaching

TDEE Total Daily Energy Expenditure “What and how much should I eat?”

This has been one of the most common questions I get asked everywhere “What and how much should I eat?”

First off, this is different for EACH and EVERY SINGLE one of us out there, depending on our individual goals. So I am just going to base this answer off of if I was talking to a beginner lifter/gym-rat, and not someone that has already implemented the foundations of their nutrition program into daily action.

First, one should find out their daily TDEE (Total Daily Energy Expenditure); plenty of online calculators for this out there. This takes all major factors into play, age, weight, height, sex, daily activity level at work, and outside of work. Then after the formula takes action, it provides the person with their daily calorie maintenance amount. So this amount is what you should aim for to maintain your current physique. If you want to gain mass, add 300-500 calories (from carbs/fat or both) to that (if after a month, your gaining too much weight, drop it down to 200; you need to find your sweet spot). The same goes for cutting….minus 200-500 calories from that base level.

And here are the basic macro-nutrient amounts beginners should start with:

Protein: 1-1.5g per body lb.
Carbs: 2-3g per body lb.
Fat: 0.3-0.5g per body lb.

Unless your a high intensity bodybuilder, who I would push to intake 2g of protein per body lb, there is no need to go higher then 1-1.5g.

Here is a great TDEE Calculator from Tiger Fitness

Trainer Marek • March 15, 2016

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