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Recommending An Entire Cheat Day? GTFO You AREN’T Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson

Fellow Trainer Pet-Peeve: Recommending your clients to have an entire Cheat Day…

Ok first off, this annoys the shit out of me when I hear a fellow personal trainer tell their clients to have an entire cheat day.

1. You need to be LEAN to enjoy a cheat day, so your system can take the full benefits of it. If you aint lean, forget about it, cause you’re just going to put all your efforts way the hell back to the beginning.

2. You need to earn a cheat day. Being good on your new diet for 3 days does NOT grant you a cheat meal, especially a cheat day. So stop dreaming, and get your ass in gear if you want those Baywatch dreams to come true.

3. If you start eating crap again too early, you will go back to square one. You need to reteach your body what good food does, and what hard disciple can accomplish.

Remember, before you started your new nutrition program, you were having cheat meals often, and cheat days probably everyday for that matter.

Dwayne Johnson’s epic cheat day is one I can talk about. He was dieting hard for 12-16 weeks straight. Up until that point he eating cleanly 7-8 times a day, trained his ass off daily, and got into amazing shape. The cheat day of his had a purpose, and there was science behind it; it just wasn’t some bullshit mental relaxation method for the most part. There was science behind it, and it kept his body progressing once he got back to clean eating (which was the very next day).

So to my fellow trainers, don’t give your clients this retarded advise. And you wonder why your clients have looked the same for the last 2yrs working with you. Teach them DISCIPLINE. Lock them down, and make them accountable for their lack of discipline. Dont just take their hard earned $$$

Rant over. Carry on.

Trainer Marek • June 8, 2016

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