Elite Coaching | Strength Training | Nutritional Coaching

Leave Your Ego at the Door

Always wonder why your physique isn’t progressing as fast as your wish it could? You probably often say to yourself, “My strength is great! I’m lifting heavy, but it seems I’m not looking as I should.” Ever wonder why?

Well, to be perfectly blunt…..LEAVE YOUR HEAVY WEIGHT LIFTING EGO AT THE DOOR! It’s not about how much you lift, but HOW YOUR LIFT IT is the true key.

Proper form is something that, I’d say, 85% of all gym-goers neglect to follow and/or practice. Without proper form, successfully targeting the muscle group (in-training) isn’t going to be achieved. Yes, there are times when you need to ‘force’ the reps to further stimulate the blood-pumping into the muscle, but that only should be implemented in the final 3-4reps AFTER you achieved 10-12 PROPER FORM repetitions.

Also, have you noticed that you lose your muscle if you training certain body parts together, such as chest and back? Have you thought about that perhaps the humanbody DOESN’T PRODUCE ENOUGH BLOOD to successfully fill those muscle groups up? Ah ha! There’s your answer. Training muscle groups should be a thoughtful process, and not something you just go on a whim about. A proper training split would be:

Chest/arms | Calves/Shoulders/upper Back | Legs (NO CALVES) | Lower Back/Traps

Why no calve training during leg day? Is that correct? YES! why take all the blood you filled into your hamstrings and quads, then move it all SOUTH into your calves? You just successfully took your leg pump away, and your muscle growth is now decreased within that targeted area.

Think about the blood-flow within the human body. It travels where it is being beat up on. So if you want to stay FULL, PUMPED, and ROCK HARD, keep the blood where you want it to be.

Also, avoid OVER TRAINING. Yes, try to limit each muscle group to 3-4 exercises @ 3 sets a piece. Super-set if you like, that’s all good, but keep the exercises to 3-4 max. no need to go higher then that. This will prevent over-training, injury, and loss of blood within the targeted muscle group. Try to keep your weight training session to around 60-75minutes max, and keep your heart rate up. If you start to lose strength in your lifts, FINE! just drop the weights. Do a drop-set! but keep on going. Leave your ego at the door.

Trainer Marek • February 5, 2013

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