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Coach’s 12 Essential Keys to Bodyfat Loss & Build Muscle

There are probably tons of articles out there that refer to different methods of losing body-fat and water weight. Experimenting with numerous methods is always a great way to seeing how your body reacts to those methods. But, over my days of attempting such techniques, here are the ones that I found most common, and the ones that provide the best benefits and results:

1. Drink Lots of Water. 1-2 gallons per day of fresh spring water. The more water you drink, the more gets flushed out of your system. Weird concept, I know. But this is very important for any fitness athlete. Water is life, and it keeps our muscle hydrated and ready for action.

2. High-Protein Diet. Keep your daily protein intake to about 1-2g’s of protein per body pound per day. spread between 5-8 mildly portioned meals.

3. Carbohydrate Intake. If your not out there to gain massive size, there is no need to over do your carb intake. keep relative to around 0.75-1g per body pound per day. Keep the majority of your carb intake for early in the morning, or around training time. Carbs are your energy, so eliminating carbs completely won’t do you any good in the “daily functionality” department. Just ask as bodybuilder who cuts out starchy carbs during the final stages of pre-contest preparation.

4. Fat Intake. fat should never be really scared about. The body needs fats. Fats are using for energy, absorption, and transportation of nutrients. Transfats, however, are something that SHOULD be carefully watched. CLA, EFA and Fish Oils are essential supplements that should be implemented into your daily lifestyle.

5. Protein-Carb-Fat Ratios? your percentage ratios for these should be 40%-40%-20%, as a BASE, for a normal healthy diet. These percentages, or course, change week-to-week during per-contest diet preparation.

6. Meal Times? I suggest eat every 2-3 hours. Every meals has a mix of proteins, carbs and essential fats.

7. Supplements? Supplements should be implemented into anyones routine for better results. Fish Oils, Vitamin C, Multi-Vitamin, CLA, R-ALA, Ginseng, Green Tea Extract, ZMA, Protein powders. These specific supplements will help build muscle, as well as cut down on body-fat.

8. Training. To burn more fat, I suggest implementing supersets into your workouts. Supersets are exercises that you perform right after you finish a pervious one, with little or no rest/recover time.

9. Cardio? When you do cardio, do it AFTER your weight training session. People need to understand that, weight training is what builds muscle. Weight training utilizes fat as energy to build muscle. Cardio is mainly for speeding up your metabolism, and not to build muscle. So, keep your energy high for the fat utilizing workout of WEIGHT TRAINING, then hit the cardio machines for 15-25min to speed up that metabolism.

10. After Training? Consume 20-40g of fast absorbing protein (whey protein), and about 20-30 fast absorb. insulin boosting, carbohydrates (sugar, white bread, white rice). There are plenty of protein powder supplements that are designed for POST-Training. They carry all you need for after training recovery. Then about 30-45min after your post-training shake, have a whole food meal.

11. Before Bed? I slow digesting protein is highly recommended before bed time (casein protein). If you sleep 8 hours, that means your body isn’t going to intake any food or nutrients during that time. So, the body will start to go into, what is called, the catabolic state. The body will start feeding off muscle for energy. So, intaking a slow digesting protein will help stop that from happening. 20-40gs of slow digesting protein before bed is recommended. Another form is eggs, steak, and something with some good fats within it, so the digestion takes its sweet time while you sleep. Even a simple whey isolate shake with 1-2tbsn of natural peanut butter would be sufficient.

12. First Thing in the Morning? 16-25oz water with 10-20g of BCAAS or 20-30gs of fast absorbing protein RIGHT when you wake up, this is what I call the PRE-BREAKFAST Meal. This will HALT any catabolic (muscle eating) state almost instantly. Then 30min after that or so, you can consume your normal breakfast meal. Also, sometimes you can go for a lite jog in the morning to keep your bodies metabolism high during the entire day, but do this before breakfast, on mainly a empty stomach.

Trainer Marek • April 8, 2009

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