Elite Coaching | Strength Training | Nutritional Coaching

Back/Triceps – February 11, 2013

Today started off interesting when I arrived at the gym. I brought my 8yr old daughter with me, so I can put her in daycare while I train…BUT the daycare seemed to be at max capacity, so they asked me to get on a waiting list. Mind you, I arrived at the gym when the daycare was only opened for another hour and a half…so waiting around was NOT an option. So…I took my little girl in with me into the battle grounds. This had me problem solve a new workout on the very spot, and being a competitive bodybuilder, we have these moments very often in many different circumstances (food, training, prep, etc.)

I turned on her Nintendo 3DS, had her stay very close to me, and plan a new attack on my Back…and it was quite successful. Here’s how it went:

• Seated V-bar close-grip Cable Rows 6×8-15
• Seated Wide-Grip Lat Pulldowns 5×8-15
• Standing Upright Cable Rows 5×10
—supersetted with Seated V-bar Lat Pulldowns 5×8-10
• Straight Arm Pullovers 5×10-12
—supersetted with Straight-bar Tricep Pushdowns 5×10
• Bentover Wide Handle-bar Cable Rows 3×10
• Bentover Reverse-grip Straight-bar Cable Rows 4×10-12
• Standing Y-bar Tricep Pushdowns 4×10
• Standing Behind the neck Bentover Tricep Extensions 4×10
• Standing Cable “Ball-Handle” 1-Arm Tricep Extensions 4×10 each arm

—30-45 sec rest periods inbetween sets MAX. Goal is to kill the muscle group and get out of the gym as fast as possible; don’t want my little girl sitting there for too long.
—Stretch after each set
—go as heavy as you can, while maintaining form and contraction
—block out your surroundings. Focus and get your work done!


Trainer Marek • February 12, 2013

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