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Q&A: Cheat Meal, What Kind?

Pick Your Cheat Meals Wisely

Pick Your Cheat Meals Wisely

Question: Sup bud I was looking at some of the forums and I was looking up cheat meals and I saw that you said you would have a cheat meal once a week.. now I just recently started doing this and my thing is to have a cheat meal once a week after leg day now my question is can I have whatever it is i want? large pizza, a 4×4 animal style at in n out?

Answer: My rules with cheat meals is that it must hold good value to all the macronutrient categories (protein/carbs/fats).

So here are some of approved cheats:
– Chicken wings + fries
– In n’ Out Burger(s) + fries
– Sushi
– Ribs or BBQ
– Restaurant pasta with a protein source (chicken/fish/etc)

Pizza is OK to me if i only stack with a chicken salad or something when I go out. So atleast at that moment I know I got some quality protein in with the pizza I am about to have.

see the pattern im going with here? 🙂

Trainer Marek • April 22, 2013

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