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Q&A: Should I take Steriods?

Question: People have told me to take steroids, and many other drugs to start getting the body I want. I have only been lifting a short time, and I am already growing impatient. What are your thoughts on this?

Answer: Man, I get this one more often these days then I thought I’d ever would, so here you go….

Steroids and drugs are a CHOICE, not a REQUIREMENT. If you choice to take enhancements then you must live with the positive gains, as well as the negative ones (and there are a shit ton for both). Never do something that someone has pressured you into doing, just because it is their beliefs; follow your instincts, and your gut reaction. Never take the steroid path unless you know you have exhausted your natural limits, and you strongly know that you want to pursue yourself deeper within the sport. Also, never take them unless you have developed a solid FOUNDATION of a physique prior to deciding to go down that road; they are not for everyone, and they will not be the magic-of-all-muscle-building things that many have said it to be.

Your number 1 thought in your mind should be your health and well-being.

After all that being said, just train your ass off, clean up your nutrition plan, get plenty of rest, and see where all that takes you. The rest is up to you. I hope that helps.

~Train to be the best you.

Trainer Marek • July 2, 2013

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