Leg Training – March 20, 2014
• Squats – 2sets x 15reps (#135)
• Squats – 5sets x 5-15reps (#225/15, #285/10, #315/8, #405/5, #405/5). the last two sets are done with SLOW negatives, slight pause at the bottom, then explode on the way up. Make sure to drive off your heels (leg press the floor), keep your back straight, and your head up/level.
• Leg Press – 8sets 10-15reps (weight increases each set)
supersetted with Leg Extensions 8sets x 10reps
• Walking Lunges 5sets x 20 steps
supersetted with Laying hamstring curls 5sets x 10-12reps
• Stiff Legged Deadlifts (standing & balancing on a flat bench; feet together) 4sets x 10reps