HeavyQuad/Lite Hamstring Workout – September 5, 2014
Here’s your next heavy quad/lite hamstring workout!
• Leg extensions 4×10-12
• Laying hamstring curls 4×12
• Leg press 4×10-12
– superset: Smith machine squats 4×8-10 (3 sets with resistance bands)
• Hack Squats 3×10 (2 sets with resistance bands)
• Bulgarian squats 3×10 with 20-30lb dumbell (each leg)
*each set must get heavier each time. Solid progression
intra-workout nutrition (minimum):
– 25g of powdered carbs (Gaspari Glycofuse, waxymaize, or Allmax Carbion)
– 5g creatine monohydrate
– 8g bcaas
– mix with atleast 32oz water, sip throughout workout
Don’t wimp out!