Elite Coaching | Strength Training | Nutritional Coaching

Delt with “Pre-feeder” Chest workout – May 5th, 2014

Delt with “Pre-feeder” Chest workout – May 5th, 2014

Group 1: 4 sets/10 reps each exercises
• Standing 1-arm cable straight-arm side extensions (rear delts)
• Superset – Pec-dec flys (pre-feeder chest)

Group 2: 4 sets/10 reps each exercises
• Seated reverse pec-dec (rear delts)
• Superset – leaning forward dips (pre-feeder chest)

Group 3: 4 sets/10 reps each exercises
• Shoulder Press (front/side delts)
• Superset – Standing side-lateral raises (front/side delts)
* the last set was a drop set of 25 reps.

Group 4: 4 sets/8-10 reps each exercises
• Straight bar raises [straight arm] (front delts)
• Superset – Plate raises [all the way up and all the way down] (front delts)

Group 5: 4 sets 10 reps
• Wide Chest hammer strength press (pre-feeder)
* the last set was a drop set of 20 reps. 10 regular reps, then 10 reps (half the weight) of negative reps (slow negatives), rest/pause at the bottom, and explode to the top of the rep each time.

*pre-feeder. This is what I do, at times, the day before I hit that particular muscle group; to PRE stimulate/stretch the area. the weight is not SUPER heavy, just enough to get blood flow within the pre-targetted area. This allows my body to be more mobile and ready for war the next day when I put it through the high-intense workout of that particular muscle. In this case it was Chest.

*why do I do rear-delts first? So I do not forget about them later in the workout, plus when I fill them up with blood before the other movements, they really aid me in stability, as the back-end of the delts are now filled and ready to go. Also, in the past, when I worked rear delts at the end, I didn’t feel if I was pumping them up correctly enough as the front/mid delts were beat. So this way I can judge if I am targeting that particular part of the delt.

Trainer Marek • November 26, 2014

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