Elite Coaching | Strength Training | Nutritional Coaching

Shoulder Workout December 9, 2014

Seated Dumbbell Press 4×10 (slow negatives)
+Superset: Standing Dumbbell Shrugs (aim to touch your ears, and squeeze at the top of the rep. NO ROLLING YOUR SHOULDERS! Idiots do that. Say goodbye to your rotator-cuff if you continue doing it like that)

Seated Dumbbell Side Laterals 3×10-12
Standing Dumbbell Side Laterals 3×10 (30% lighter then your seated exercise, but hold at the top of the rep for 1-2 seconds, and go slow on the negative…don’t wimp out)

Standing Resistance Band Shoulder Presses 4×7-8 (with bands), 2×10-12 (with no bands)

Standing Straight-bar straight-arm cable extensions 4×10
+Superset: Standing Straight-bar cable Upright Rows 4×10

Standing Resistance Band Shoulder Presses

Standing Resistance Band Shoulder Presses

Trainer Marek • December 22, 2014

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