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Leg Training – January 22, 2015

• Seated Leg Extensions 4×10-12 (squeeze and hold for 1-2sec at the top of the rep)
+Superset: Laying Hamstring Curls 4×10-12 (squeeze and hold for 1-2sec at the top of the rep)

• Leg Press (close-foot placement to target outer-sweep of the quadriceps; slow and controlled reps)
– Set 1: 12 plates – 12 reps (deep)
– Set 2: 12 plates – 12 reps (deep)
– Set 3: 14 plates – 12 reps (deep)
– Set 4: 16 plates – 10 reps (deep)
– Set 5: 18 plates – 10 reps (deep)
– Set 6: 20 plates – 10 reps (deep) w/knee wraps
– Set 7: 22 plates – 10 reps (deep as possible) w/knee wraps
– Set 8: 12 plates (start), 2 plates (finish) – every 5 reps ONLY 1 plate gets taken off; repeat this every 5 reps. When 1 plate is left on each side, pump out 20-40 reps as fast as possible to completely break down the muscle to failure. The set will finish between with 70-90reps.
*Note: MAN-UP FOR THIS, I KID YOU NOT; YOUR FEET WITH GO KNUMB TOWARDS THE END OF THE SET. YOU’VE BEEN WARNED. Your nervous system will be put through the ringer, so be prepared.

• ‘Yoke-Bar’ Squats (legs are completely drained, pumped and exhausted at this point. focus on the stretch at the bottom, and make sure to get a good contraction at the top of the rep. FULL RANGE OF MOTION, none of this half-rep or only going parallel garbage. This is training, so take it serious, muscle through it, and ignore the pain)
– Set 1: 135lbs – 12 reps (deep)
– Set 2: 185lbs – 12 reps (deep)
– Set 3: 185lbs + 35lbs of chains – 10 reps (deep)
– Set 4: 185lbs + 35lbs of chains – 10 reps (deep) with/resistance bands added

• Leg Press (HIGH-foot placement to hamstrings and glutes; slow and controlled reps) Superset with Leg Press Calf Extensions. (weight was not removed to make calf extensions lighter. keep the weight on)
– Set 1: 6 plates – 10 reps (deep)
+superset: Leg Press Calf Extensions 20reps
– Set 2: 6 plates – 12 reps (deep) +added push resistance from training partner
+superset: Leg Press Calf Extensions 20reps
– Set 3: 6 plates – 15 reps (deep) +added push resistance from training partner
+superset: Leg Press Calf Extensions 30reps
– Set 4: 6 plates – 20 reps (deep) +added push resistance from training partner
+superset: Leg Press Calf Extensions 40reps

35oz water
1 Scoop Gaspari SIZE-ON (40g dextrose carbs, 7g whey hydro)
5g creatine
5g glutamine

Trainer Marek • January 26, 2015

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