Elite Coaching | Strength Training | Nutritional Coaching

Leg Training – February 19, 2015

Leg Training – Fedruary 19, 2015

• Standing calf raises Machine 5×10-20

• Seated Leg Extensions 4×10

• Barbell Squats (deep and low)
-Set 1: 135×15
-Set 2: 135×15
-Set 3: 225×10
-Set 4: 285×10
-Set 5: 315×8 (with bands)
-Set 6: 315×8 (with chains)
-Set 7: 225×10 (with heavy bands)
-Set 8: 225×10 (with heavy+mild bands)
-Set 9: 225×15 (with all bands added) *squat till youre out of gas

• Leg Press (foot placement close to target outter sweep) 5×12-20 (12 plates total)

Intra-training nutrition:
• 40g Gaspari Size-On (carbs)
• 5g creatine
• 1 scoop iForce Compete (bcaas+eaas)
mixed with 40oz water

Trainer Marek • February 24, 2015

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