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Back/Shoulder Training April 12, 2015 #log

• Wide-grip Lat Pulldowns 5×10
+Superset: Seated Close-grip Cable Rows 5×10
*5th set, lower the weight, but hold each rep at the contraction point for 1-2 seconds.

• Close-grip T-Bar Rows 6×10
*increase weight each set. 6th set, lower the weight by 50%, hold at the top of the contraction point for 1-2 seconds. MAKE SURE YOU’RE BENT OVER….. and not at a standing up position like many idiots do.

• Close-grip underhand Lat Pulldowns 5×10
*5th set, lower the weight, but hold each rep at the contraction point for 1-2 seconds.

• Standing barbell Shoulder Press (with resistance bands) 5×10
*the bands will be pushing you down throughout the movement, you must push through it, and also control the negative movement. Add support bars right above your delts, as this will be your stop/starting point. Tap, and Press! Tap, and Press!
+Supeset: Front dumbbell Raises (with 10lb plates) 5×10. Slow and controlled movement. Hold at the top for 1-2 seconds, then lower slowly.

• Seated Dumbbell Side Laterals 4×10
+Superset: Front Plate Raises (with 35-45lb plate) 4×10
*45sec rest inbetween sets

• Bentover Dumbbell Side Laterals 5×15
*30sec rest inbetween sets

• Standing Dumbbell Side Laterals 5×15-20
*the key to big delts is SIDE LATERALS! so here, kill them some more by pumping even more blood into them. Controlled movements!! keep tension on the muscle at all times.

• Dumbbell Shrugs 5×10
*Aim to touch your ears! hold for 3-4seconds, then go back to the starting point slowly. repeat. Wrap if you need at this point.

Trainer Marek • November 9, 2015

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